Saturday, November 30, 2013

Reflections of 1 semester

Teaching while enrolled in a teacher credentialing program can put some weight on your shoulders. To the many teachers who are just starting out, the journey will be long and challenging. I am a participant in this journey.
It is close to the end of my first semester at SJSU. I am a graduate student enrolled in the mild/moderate Educational Specialist Credentialing Program. I knew I had to make some vital changes to how I managed my time. I am currently taking 15 units and teaching 6 classes  . When I reflect on this semester, I think about my growth as a teacher and a student.
As a Teacher, I went into a situation blind. I learned that I will have to teach four different subjects the week before school was to start. I found myself searching for curriculum for all of my subjects over the weekend. I did not get the support I needed, I soon ventured from classroom to classroom at the school searching for curriculum. I found the resources needed to begin teaching.  I grew a bit this semester, I know where to find resources, how to manage my classroom, The needs of a English Language Learner, How to differentiate Lesson, Develop an IEP, and a host of other tools to teach our young adults. I have grown and continue to grow.
As a Student, the workload is tedious, yet valuable. I spent the last few months learning about the many styles available for classroom management.  I know my management style will change from time to time, a tweak here and a tweak there, and address the needs of the entire classroom. Assistive Technology is an important resource for providing students with disabilities the personal independence they need to have success. There will be some hard times, some days I don’t want to do anything. There will be days that I will procrastinate, turning in that assignment at the last minute. But I can say I have grown, and I continue to grow.